Use These 5 Tips to Write a Perfect Exam Essay

Problems with writing exam essays are very common among students who have to take the exam. But these problems can be solved if you follow our tips. There is nothing overly complicated in writing an essay; the main thing is to follow the established requirements and standards and also be aware of the criteria for grading.

What is an exam essay, anyways?

An essay is a written work during which the student must demonstrate their skills in presenting thoughts and reasoning.

When writing a paper, it is required to comply with the norms of the English language; that is, literacy and knowledge of a person are additionally checked. To get a good grade, you need to follow the recommendations on the structure and be able to reveal the problem.

It will be extremely difficult to write an essay with a low vocabulary, lack of literary knowledge (since it is often required to give examples from the literature), as well as knowledge of the rules of the English language.

If you are in such a situation, then it is better to get help from a writer who will write an essay online. You will receive a sample that will show you what sources to use and how to structure your essay correctly.

1. Preparing to write your paper

Before you start writing a paper, you need to prepare for it. The first is the study of theoretical materials, rules, and requirements for writing.

Theoretical materials are books on a given topic, films, historical events, and biographies of significant personalities. The orientation of the theory depends on the topic of the essay, the requirements for the direction of its disclosure, and examples.

At the beginning of writing a paper, the problem is determined, which will be revealed as it is written. The problem is the base, and therefore the formation of thought requires special attention. Inaccurate wording of the problem or syntax errors may result in a downgrade for the written work.

essay writing

Important: the designated topic should be disclosed throughout the essay. Deviations from the topic or contradictions in the paper can lead to a not-very-good grade.

Before starting to write the work, it is recommended to draw up a plan on the basis of which the blocks will be written.

The plan briefly describes the problem, then the arguments, the position of the student, the conclusion (in the case of an argumentative essay) or the sequence of development of the problem, and the presentation of thoughts (in the case of a narrative essay).

2. Stick to the structure of your written exam essay

Next, you should understand the structure of the essay before starting to write it. It consists of three main points:

  • Introduction: This is the beginning of the essay, in which the main idea is formed. It is important to describe the problem in particular detail, to identify theses.
  • Main content: This is a large part of the essay, in which all the arguments are written down, the position of the student directly, the evidence, and examples from the sources are given.
  • Conclusion: Include summing up all the material presented in the main part.

Important: the conclusion must correspond to the thesis formed in the introduction of the work. In the event of a discrepancy, it can be considered a factual error, as a result of which points for the conclusion will be deducted.

3. Check the criteria for evaluation

To better understand how an essay is written, it is necessary to look at the evaluation established by the standards for writing essays. The main criteria are:

  • The correctness of the formulation of the problem and its disclosure in the text.
  • Consistent disclosure of the problem, the integrity of the paper (absence of unnecessary information, jumps from topic to topic, deviation from the main topic, and so on)
  • The literacy of giving arguments to justify the student’s own position.
  • Compliance with the norms of the English language – the absence of errors of any type in the essay, including factual, stylistic, and so on.

After writing the essay, it is recommended to re-read it in order to avoid the probability of serious errors and contradictions, evaluate the integrity of the paper, the consistency of the presentation of thoughts, adherence to the main topic, and the quality of its disclosure. Pay special attention to checking complex words and errors.

4. Learn the secrets of the perfect essay

Writing a perfect essay that will be rated with the highest score is extremely difficult. It takes strength and theoretical knowledge to achieve such a result. Here are some tips to help improve the quality of your paper, which makes it more likely to get a high grade for it:

  • Selecting a topic familiar to the student. Do not choose the most difficult option of the topic, as there is a risk of getting a low score due to illiterate argumentation and errors in the analysis of the topic.
  • Can’t find the problem? It is recommended to isolate the arguments that could be used in the essay; after, on their basis, try to pick up the problem.
  • The use of quotes and biographical facts in writing will have a positive effect on the final grade.

5. Read classical literature

Experts value examples given from classical works more than options from your own experience or history. Reading has a positive effect on human literacy and helps to remember complex words and punctuation rules.

Sara Dylan

Author Information

Sara Dylan is passionate about researching and writing interesting articles to help people. Sara is a prolific writer at, and enjoys a nice cup of tea as much as the next person.