Are you looking to improve handwriting for teenagers? Don’t let this become a lost art, you can train yourself to get really good at handwriting in a lot less time than you might think.
Or maybe you’re looking to learn handwriting for the very first time? Either way, the key is to develop strong fundamentals before you even start practicing too much.
Don’t worry, cursive is nothing to be afraid of, and if you use these techniques, you’ll learn many useful skills on how to improve handwriting for teenagers.
These tips will work for people of all ages, too, by the way – so if you’re not a teenager, you’ll still be able to improve your handwriting by reading this page and putting what you learn into action.
Do you want to improve your bad handwriting? Let’s get into it, here’s how to improve handwriting for teenagers, kids, young adults, and anyone else that wants to have nicer handwriting.
Tips For Teenagers To Improve Their Handwriting
The first thing is simply to practice a lot. But there’s more to practice than doing the same thing over and over, right? It’s not helpful practice if you’re doing the wrong thing over and over, so before you dig in your heels and spend hours practicing to improve your handwriting, follow these tips to make sure you’re on the right track to begin with.
This helpful video offers some tips to improve handwriting for teens and people of all ages. Here’s a quick rundown of the advice…
Correct Your Posture
Sitting down with better posture will help you maintain clearer and better handwriting standards as you practice.
You don’t necessarily need to have perfect posture every moment you’re handwriting, but it’s a good starting point as you work on improving your writing. Go ahead and slouch your back once you’ve gotten the hand of it, but for now, try to sit up straight and to be mindful of your posture.
Grip Your Pen Correctly
This is a huge one. If you aren’t holding the pen or pencil correctly, you’ll have a harder time to improve your handwriting. Now, of course, you have to find a balance between what’s comfortable and what works for you versus the “correct” way to hold a pen.
It’s okay if you find that holding it a bit differently works for you, but try starting out with the best fundamentals. Just like your posture, you can adapt this a bit to something that’s more comfortable for you once you start to get the hang of it, but it’s a good idea to start with a good foundation.
Be Mindful of Your Letter Spacing
If your handwriting looks very clumped together, then you should pay attention to the space you’re leaving in between letters and in between words. Trying to space things out a bit more could help with the legibility of your handwriting a great deal.
Letting size and spacing can play a big role in the overall quality of your handwriting.
Make Good Connections
The points at where your letters connect to one another is another important aspect of having nice handwriting and it can mean the difference between legible handwriting or handwriting that people have a really hard time reading.
If it’s just for you, and you know what it says, and you’re confident you’ll remember what it says years from now – it’s not the end of the world to get a little loosey goosey with this, too, just like every other aspect of handwriting but it’s still super duper important to have a strong foundation to build from before you start taking any shortcuts.
Don’t Let the Pressure Get to You
The pressure you apply to your pencil or pen as you press it into the paper can also have an impact, pressing too firmly makes it harder to move and maneuver your hand to make the necessary subtlety required for certain letters and combinations thereof.
On the other hand, if you press too lightly, your writing might be too pale to read.
It’s about finding a good balance between pressing firmly enough that your text is easy enough to see, but not pressing so hard that the pen’s movement is restricted.
The Right Tools for Handwriting Practice for Teenagers
On that note, having a writing device that you’re comfortable is super important, so is having a flat surface to practice on, and paper that’s large enough and comfortable enough to use without it being so thin that it tears, or gets crumbled, or anything like that.
Some people like using a thicker pen to write some, some people find the rigid shape of a pencil to make it easier to grip onto. Go with whatever works for you, especially when you’re just practicing your handwriting.
Handwriting worksheets are also helpful, too, you can use them to practice your handwriting over and over until it starts to come to you more naturally.
Now You’re Ready To Improve Your Handwriting for Teenagers!
Hopefully the video above, and the tips to improve your handwriting will come in useful for you when you’re working on getting better at handwriting.
Handwriting, or cursive writing, is a fun skill to have – even though most of your writing will be done at a keyboard or on a phone screen.
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